VLM Staff

Pastor Lee Roper Jr. and wife Debbie have been the Pastors of Victory In The Light Ministries (formerly Victory Fellowship Christian Center) in Jersey City, NJ since May 1991. They came to this pioneer church one-year after Pastor Eli and Nancy Negron began it. Prior to coming to Jersey City, they labored as Assistant Pastors and Outreach directors at the Potter’s House in Sierra Vista, AZ for 7 years. It was divine providence that led them to this great city.  Answering the call of God to go to NJ to pastor they had no idea it would be Jersey City that God would lead them to.  Over a two month period, they fell in love with Jersey City and the new believers as they assisted Pastor Eli and Nancy.  As God would have it, Pastor Eli and Nancy accepted ministry in Colorado and Pastor Lee and Debbie were thrilled knowing it was the will of God for them to be in Jersey City.  Lee and Debbie both received the Lord at an early age, but it was in August 1982 that they rededicated their lives to God and His purpose that eventually led them to this ministry.  Together as Pastor Lee preaches and teaches and Debbie leads worship they have seen many lives changed.  They have ministered throughout the U.S. Cuba, Czech Republic, and Mexico. Their burden is to see the power of God breakthrough in urban areas with new churches planted, established, the maturity of saints, and to see marriages restored and strengthened. Lee and Debbie have been married for over 30 years, have 4 daughters, a son-in-law and 3 grandchildren.

Wil and Cheryl Statham accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal savior in April of 1982.  They joined Victory In The Light Ministries (formerly Victory Fellowship Christian Center) in May 1994 and have been laboring as Assistant Pastors since 1995. Prior to joining Victory, both Wil and Cheryl labored at Unto Full Stature Holiness Church, also in Jersey City, for 12 years. Over the years they have shared the gospel throughout Hudson County, hospitals, prisons, and homeless shelters. Wil and Cheryl have been married for over 30 years have 3 children and 7 grandchildren.  Their passion for this city is to see young people saved and delivered from self-destruction.