To begin our testimony, I just want to give God all the praise, glory, and honor. This testimony is for both my wife and I.As our congregation knows, my wife is a cancer survivor, and that is our greatest testimony.
It’s so hard to comprehend how God works. I (Don) used to use drugs before and after I started selling them. I was never caught nor busted and frankly got away with everything (in the eyes and authority of men). I had it all: earthly possessions, friends, everything a person could ever imagine until I met my wife (Len) who is a God sent an angel. It wasn’t easy for both of us then when we were dating. We went to school together, and both had a very rough time in regards to meeting our financial needs. We always thought that we were being punished by our heavenly father.
After graduating from college we had to part our ways. I came here to the US while Len was still in the Philippines. This was very hard for us. Then after a few months/years, Len applied for a visitor’s visa to come to NJ, but she was denied about 5 to 6 times. After a while, we discovered that Len had breast cancer, and I was devastated! I had to go home to the Philippines to visit her and then come back to NJ numerous times, but that was the only way.
I now realize that it was through my wife’s illness that led us to become saved and born again. What I’m trying to impart is that God will sometimes get our attention in a painful way. It may be that someone that you care about gets sick or will undergo a tremendous trial in God’s own way just so that he’ll get your attention.
But you know what? God knows us very well. He knows that all the things that we go through can and eventually will be overcome. Through the tests, trials, and tribulations Len and I knew that he’s the only one that sustained us.
Len had surgery and chemotherapy that eventually helped her to be well, along with the help of our heavenly father who totally healed and set her free of cancer. That sickness had been God’s way of having us changing and saving us. We’d surrendered our lives completely, prayed, and trusted God to deliver her from this sickness. Up to this moment, I give God the praise!!! For he’s our healer, advocate, doctor, our everything!
God delivered Len from cancer, granted her a visa to come to the United States, which was a big thing, and now we have a beautiful baby girl.
There are so many things that I can write about God’s goodness, to Him be the glory!!!